
Marketing, Relevant Tech, Analysis, News and Opinion (I consider these required reading)

There is just a ton of amazing, relevant, and useful information in these resources. I spend a good amount of time every week trying to keep up with the amount of new information available.

  • Occam’s Razor - Avinash Kaushik, Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist, has a deep reservoir of marketing and data knowledge. If you are just finding out about him, you have months of reading to dive into. His books are also great. Very tactical. His content is a fantastic resource. Check out his dashboard templates for Google Analytics.

  • Dr. Augustine Fou, Ad Fraud Researcher - The authority on ad fraud and tactics to limit your exposure. His content is published on LinkedIn. Follow him now. Really insightful, methodical, and data-focused. He often provides insight into tactics that are helpful in focusing campaigns on quality audiences where real returns are derived. I’m an admirer.

  • The AdContrarian - Listening to your critics is important in any field. If you are a digital marketer, here is your critic. Funny, sometimes crude, but not wrong, is Bob Hoffman, The AdContrarian. Youtube videos of some of his keynote speeches (start here: at various Advertising Conferences are sharp, on point, and funny as hell. His books are all worthwhile.

  • State of the Screens - Great Newsletter whose aim is to summarize the top trends and must-read articles that touch on the convergence of television and digital advertising. Quick and informative.

  • Axios Codebook - Axios’ (news website and publisher) weekly cybersecurity newsletter. Digital marketing is intertwined with privacy and security. It behooves any marketer worth their salt to be conversant in the topics of the day. Here is a good newsfeed. Note: Axios has a whole mess of newsletters, many are good.

Other Cool Content, not necessarily related to marketing (we are well-rounded human beings, right?)

Have I missed one that I should know about? Send me a note at

  • BoingBoing - My favorite website/blog. You likely already know it.

  • Rusty’s Electric Dreams - Newsletter. San Francisco Bay Area Weirdo (in the best sense of the word) happenings. Her “inbox zine” is consistently awesome and always worth a read. PeeWee Herman likes it!

  • The Anglerfish - Blog and Newsletter. Happenings in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Interesting, often science and tech-related, events and lectures.

  • Next Draft - Dave Pell’s daily roundup of interesting news and perspectives is fantastic.

  • The Kid Should See This - Newsletter and blog. Collects cool videos, often educational, on the internet. Super fun.

  • Cool Tools - Blog, Newsletter and Podcast all about “cool tools”. Tools in the broader sense. It could be an amazing book, a piece of software, a wristwatch or anything else that can be used as a tool and applied to a problem. I have found more than a few “tools” here that I now use regularly. I have submitted my own “cool tool” to the site, as well! The creators are also involved in Recommendo, BoingBoing, and the now defunct Make Magazine.

  • Recommendo - Blog and Weekly email of recommendations. Of all sorts. The also have a book recommendation list/blog called “Book Freak” that I like a lot. Some of the creators are involved with BoingBoing and Cool Tools.

  • The Ryan Holiday Reading Recommendation Email - Great list of books from noted author and prolific reader, Ryan Holiday.