My “Now” Page (What I’m up to, NOW!)


Now is as good a time as any…


What I’m doing/Into Now:

I’m always busy with way too many things but here are some current things I’m into (Early 2022):

  • Empty Nest Training Wheels - Our 18 year old kid is off on a gap year adventure working at a wildlife rescue center in Ecuador near the Amazon. For three months. So, it is just my wife and I and the cat! Weird.

  • Bi-Coastal. We have bought a house in Maine. We will begin being bi-coastal in the Spring. We haven’t abandoned California. I could never do that. But we are augmenting our environment.

  • Still trying to get organized at home (Year 1,001). Cleaning and purging, boiling it down to essentials. I have a lot of “essentials”. This is an ongoing task.

  • Seeing Music (when the world allows). In 2019, we met and befriended some crazy talented musicians (and other fine folk). The amount of talent within a short walk of my home is pretty staggering.

  • Teaching Myself Things - I’m playing with tech and teaching the Raspberry Pi (a small single board computer that can be purchased for low cost and integrated into an array of DIY projects.

  • I’m STILL planning a bathroom remodel. This spurred by a small leak that left a hole in the ceiling drywall. “F$%k it, Let’s renovate” was the conclusion.

    Hat Tip to Rusty Blazenhoff (sign up for her Inbox Zine!) for the inspiration for a Now page. Her inspiration was from here. Yes, that makes my inspiration second-hand, at the least…